Monday, October 21, 2013

4 make blogging

Make Blogging Profitable With Content Rich Pages

Do you include blogging as part of your business plan? More importantly, do you make blogging profitable for you? Using content rich pages will ensure that you are on the right track to an extra income from your blogs. But, there are four factors that you need to consider before you dive in and start gathering content. In this article, you will learn exactly what those four elements are and how you can make sure that your blogging methods are earning you the most that they can.

Did you know that many marketers create a large income through online blogs? It's a very simple concept but you need to understand how to do it well. The best way that you can make blogging profitable is by implementing content rich pages. This will cause search engines to find and index your blogs faster and more easily. Here are four essential elements to think about when building content rich pages.

Really there are just four things that you need to keep in mind when you are worried about content richness:
- Are you using unique content?
- Are your blog pages updated automatically?
- Is your content actually useful?
- Finally, are you monetizing those pages?

The first question to consider is 'Are you using unique content'? This is a subject of some controversy and if you plan on making blogging a main source of income, you need to understand why. Unique content simply means content that is not published elsewhere on the internet. Most marketers firmly believe that content rich pages must use unique content in order to rank highly in search engines. This is because search engines may have already indexed pages with that same content and therefore will not see your site as reputable, since it assumes that you are not creating your own unique pages.

But, it isn't quie that black and white. How unique do your pages really have to be? After all, there are similarities in a lot of content just because it may be about the same topic and will no doubt use alike keywords and such - this is where the grey area lies. If you choose to publish content that is not unique (such as private label rights or PLR content), you may still achieve success if you rework the writing so it appears to be more unique. However, it is generally agreed upon that content that is published nowhere else on the net is most effective. You could create your own, or you could visit or to hire a writer.

The next question, 'Are your pages self updating?' is kind of on the same topic. There is no doubt that non-unique content is better than none at all. Therefore, many bloggers choose to set their pages to update automatically using RSS streams. RSS stands for really simple syndication and it may be used to update your blog with posts that have already been published to other blogs around the internet. It's probably more beneficial to have blog pages that update automatically, so you have frequent posts, than to worry about creating your own unique pages and updating them very seldomly. Frequent updates are very important and keep the search engines interested in your blog.

You also need to consider, 'Is your content actually useful?' which translates to 'Are you just posting garbage so it looks like you have an active blog?' This is important for two big reasons. The first is that useless content does not encourage your visitors to come back to your site. Once you make blogging your job for a while, you will see that repeat visitors are very important.

The second reason is that search engines are very smart. Eventually (despite your greatest efforts) they will recognize that your blog is not of much value and your rankings will probably be lowered if you just use random posts. Content rich pages need to make use of interesting and informative content. Use every chance that you have to teach your readers something - this will make them want to come back and it will also keep the search engines happy.

The final thing to consider in regards to your blog pages is this - Are you monetizing your blog? There is absolutely no point in worrying about the condition or rankings of your blog if you are not gaining anything from it. Make sure that you are utilizing money making methods in your blog such as selling advertising space or hosting text ads. You could use your blog to build an e-mail list that you can market to. This is an important step and if you skip over it, your efforts will be completely wasted.

If you have these four components in the bag, then you are on the right track to make blogging profitable for you. But don't stop here. Continue to tweak everything about your blog. Keep building more and more content rich pages until your blog becomes a money making machine. Just never neglect these four important items.

make blogging, make bloggin profitable


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